What is Iron Bacteria? Iron Bacteria are small living organisms which naturally occur in soil and water. When the bacteria is combine with iron and managanese with oxygen it forms deposits of a rust like slimy build up.
Although Iron Bacteria smells and tasted horrible, they are not listed by the US EPA as either a primary or secondary contaminant.
How to detect Iron Bacteria The most common way to detect Iron Bacteria is from the odor and slimy buildup. Your water could begin to smell or taste like oil or petroleum, rotten vegetation, or musty. The odor could get worse if the water has not been used for a while. There could also be a slimy rusty, yellow, brownish, or grey slime. See pictures below.
How to Treat Iron Bacteria You can clorinate your well by adding a higher level of clorine than a typical clorination. Please see Water Treatment for more information. You will need to allow the chlorine to set for an additional 12+ hours. You may need to shock several times to ensure all the bacteria is gone. (Most private wells will require ongoing maintenance after an inital case of iron bacteria)
Another option would be a Chlorine Injection Iron Filter to provide continuous disinfection and work very well.